In MV, click “Open Project…” to see your project directory.
Something like this:
Up one directory and you can grab the whole project folder, in this case for the one project I have named “Tutorial”:
If you want to send it to me, fastest way would be to just .zip the whole thing and upload it to Google Drive or something.
Alternatively, if you’re going to work on this project for a while, try out Github. Wrote about how I do it here.
For now, keep that folder open, and fire up MZ. Make a blank new project.
Close that project now. We’ll import the old MV project over this new MZ project.
You’ll need to move specific files from the old MV project folder to the new MZ project folder. Video below, you’re probably going to need to fullscreen it - censored the explorer pane because it has the IP addresses of some of my storage nodes and this video is on a public website. 😝 Remember, my “Tutorial” project on the left is the project from MV; the “Project1” folder on the right is from MZ.
The official instructions are in the “Help” menu, just go to “Help” and “Contents”, and use the search function in there to look for “MV” - you’ll find the following page:
Back in MZ, open project and choose the one we made and overwrote the files in previously:
Done. Only things that don’t easily translate are plugins, which I assume you haven’t used extensively, and animations - the caveat with animations is that you CAN move them over, as the instructions state, but they won’t use MZ’s new animation engine, which is significantly better. Search for it, you’ll find plenty of threads about it.